Sorry for the craptastic cameraphone shot
48 hours was not enough time in Tokyo. Due to exhaustion and a confusing subway system, I didn't get to do a fraction of what I wanted. Still the city was amazing and I have pics to post soon. We came back to a complete schedule change at work, so I haven't even had time to start sorting through my pictures. I actually completely forgot about posting until I was plugging in my iPod to charge this morning and noticed the orange cover and thought "Oh yeah! Forgot to include that in my orange post... wait... posting, blog, what's that? I haven't done that in... when?..."
Also, a little love to the
funniest fashion post ever. Coming from someone who actually did sunbathe in front of a barn (when I was in school and lived more inland) I have to say it's not the most superlatively bad thing I've ever seen, but it's still pretty freaking funny.
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